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Food&Soda Politics

 Politics is not a game is a serious bussiness
                                                                                         ~Wiston Churchill~

Magical thinking, interest and economics. These are the words of politics of food...

We know very little about the precisely benefits of various nutrients. We hear antioxidants and we might think that "yes it has antioxidants this is good for me"; not taking into account other variables that could change the effect of the ingredients; and how that can affect every person differently. The nutrition science is still new and growing. Only now we begining to understand some of its variables and we need to be more  careful to use our "magical thinking".

And the food industries take advantage of this. Though we should not get suprised by this. The companies that make our highly desired food products that we eat are in the end-line just companies; and they want to make a profit. They fund their own scientific researches that "might" have a leaning tencency to show a product under a positive light. Even if that product is healthy or not; energy-drink or a fruit; from Coca-Cola, to Nestle and from Mars to Edibles. They want to overegarrate and generalized the benefits of their goods to increase sales; and that is understandable. Even the local grocery sailer does that; albeit being in a very smaller scale.

We might want to judge them. Though could do something else. Be more active. Take action. Run for office, join an NGO - do something that can change the public perception of food policies.
What we need is ethical local or national governments (depending the structure of each state) that can make the right decisions and create ethical andlegal bandouries for companies. Meaning that a company shouldnt try misconvince the public for health benefits of its food ingridients or trying to shape the national quotas of food law.

Likely in the EU it is better than the USA. Here the citizen has a first defence against company interests. But even then EU is still not 100% clear of  all  the sphere of influence of food indursty.
It is crucial especially in schools to offer alternative plans for lunch meals and food education. People need to learn from young age how to eat healthy and school should be the forefront of that.

In the end in order to eat healthly might as well to grow your food yourself. The sustainable way. Or  at least cook it yourself, you know better what you put inside. Who knows best what you should eat, what good for you and what you like is... you~

PS. (The politics of food industries doesnt escape also our animal companions. They suffer the same with  us; and we need as well to look after them in more healthy way.)

Suggestions of the week:
