This is the era of entrepreneurs. The era of growth statistics and social media marketing. The age of internet and interconnectivness. The entepreneur's dream! But being a entepreneur isnt something easy. It needs an idea, a vision and willigness to complete it. Because it is your dream, doesnt mean that you can sleep-walk towards your goal... ~So here are some genearal rules that could help you achieve that goal~ Find common minded people The enviroment that you work can factor significantly in the success of your project. You want around the people that inspires you and push to achieve better. Find the 25 best qualifitied people-leaders in their field that can help you boost your project; create motion and be advertised. This is more networking that the first one. The goal is that you need approach for instance the wider known media outlet, the top political figure, the top bussiness figure; in order to the cre...
~For the side thoughts we have during the day~